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John Wayne (133600) - VIP Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - John Wayne
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   405-217-8 (1 NCs)
Wins   297 (T)KOs (73.33%)
    10 Subs (2.47%)
    98 Decisions (24.20%)
Losses   108 (T)KOs (49.77%)
    30 Subs (13.82%)
    79 Decisions (36.41%)
Current 320-129-11 (1 NCs)
TWGC 29 - 29
Philippines Philippines (P:38)
Las Vegas
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  16 of 40617 (0.04%)
4 (-12 drop)
125 average
Div 2. League 1 (P: 8)
Top Fighter   Danyaal Zahedi
Fighters   18
Alliance   Super SMESH Bros
Bank   $4,006,225.37
John's quote
“There are no pleasures in a fight but some of my fights have been a pleasure to win.” – Muhammad Ali
Contact Details
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-07-23 04:37:41
Joined (y/m/d):
2020-05-09 08:19:35
Username: wayne95
Recent Events

16 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Bishop Bonesteel celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
10 Jul, 2024 Wednesday - Kekino Maluga celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
10 Jul, 2024 Wednesday - Alborz Mumu celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
04 Jul, 2024 Thursday - Conrad Knightley celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
03 Jul, 2024 Wednesday - Lambert George celebrated his birthday - 56 today!
02 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Johnny Albatross celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
16 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Marlon Gazersky
14 Jun, 2024 Friday - Vladimir Skurwysynowski celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
14 Jun, 2024 Friday - Blade Wilson celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
12 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - Jose Castellanos celebrated his birthday - 29 today!

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Johnny Albatross Magnificent Chulalongkorn KO (Punch) C326: Albatross vs Chulalong 2024-07-21 1 00:48
   L Jose Castellanos Duck Dodgers KO (Punch) SYN 1083 Danger vs Krylov 2024-07-21 1 04:59
   W Danyaal Zahedi Mauro Okongwu TKO (Strikes) DMMA 332 Zahedi vs Okongwu 2024-07-20 1 03:38
   W Vladimir Skurwysynowski Orlando Sanguinetti KO (Punch) C324: Bloodaxe vs Matikainen 2024-07-14 2 02:40
   L John Wesley Hardin Wanderlei Rua KO (Punch) DMMA 331 Kwong vs Brown 2 2024-07-14 1 03:16
   D Vladimir Skurwysynowski Orlando Sanguinetti Draw C318: Erdogan vs Obaminator 2024-06-23 3 05:00
   W Jose Castellanos Sparring John KO (Punch) SYN 1076 Kamara vs Noeigati 2024-06-16 1 04:38
   L Marlon Gazersky Sol Peters KO (Head Kick) OFK 412 - Chambers Vs Goodman 2024-06-16 1 03:08
   W Danyaal Zahedi Andrei Kersikov KO (Punch) DMMA 323 Kersikov vs Zahedi 2024-06-15 1 04:59
   W Vladimir Skurwysynowski Kareem Johnson TKO (Strikes) C313: Cheese vs Femme II 2024-06-09 2 03:36
   W Johnny Albatross Keith Kenneth Ferkingstad TKO (Strikes) C314: Albatross vs Ferkingsta... 2024-06-09 1 01:13
   W John Wesley Hardin Alistair Ubereem KO (Punch) DMMA 319 Kersikov vs Thoupos 2024-06-02 1 03:24
   W Johnny Albatross Finnish Tax Payer TKO (Head Kick) C310: Albatross vs Payer IV 2024-05-26 1 02:35
   L Marlon Gazersky Jax Chambers KO (Punch) OFK 406 - Garrincha Vs Biden 2024-05-26 2 02:38
   L Vladimir Skurwysynowski Musa Vitalik Decision (Unanimous) C307: Queiroz vs Martin 2024-05-19 3 05:00
   W Danyaal Zahedi Adeboye Temidare KO (Punch) DMMA 317 Temidare vs Zahedi 2024-05-18 1 01:50
   L Vladimir Skurwysynowski Roberto Fabinho Submission (Guillotine) C301: Queiroz vs Gora 2024-05-05 3 04:32
   L Johnny Albatross Charles Eric Cheese TKO (Strikes) C302: Cheese vs Albatross III 2024-05-05 3 01:47
   W Marlon Gazersky Roger Sparr Decision (Unanimous) OFK 400 - Hiro Vs Garrincha 2024-05-05 3 05:00
   W Vladimir Skurwysynowski Vadius Highwind KO (Punch) C299: Lehto vs Matti III 2024-04-28 2 00:12
Last 20 TWGC Fights
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   L Bazar Al Jhit Darragh Fiachna Submission (Guillotine) Bots de Garra 109 2023-12-20 1 12:53
   L Bazar Al Jhit Patty O'Reilly Decision Bots de Garra 105 2023-12-08 1 15:06
   W Bazar Al Jhit Thomas Bennett Submission (RNC) Bots de Garra 100 2023-11-26 1 04:30
   L Bazar Al Jhit Jab Brown Decision Bots de Garra 95 2023-11-08 1 15:26
   L Bazar Al Jhit Enamorado Bandito Decision Bots de Garra 91 2023-10-29 1 15:15
   W Bazar Al Jhit Amir Ziyaeddin Submission (Arm Triangle) Bots de Garra 89 2023-10-22 1 01:40
   W Bazar Al Jhit Ikemba Okoye Submission (Kimura) Bots de Garra 87 2023-10-15 1 02:26
   W Bazar Al Jhit Calan Smith Submission (Kimura) Bots de Garra 76 2023-09-13 1 01:47
   W Bazar Al Jhit Hirata Hitoshi Submission (Americana) Bots de Garra 71 2023-09-01 1 05:55
   W Bazar Al Jhit Tan Zan Submission (RNC) Bots de Garra 70 2023-08-27 1 00:34
   L Bazar Al Jhit Darragh Fiachna Decision Bots de Garra 68 2023-08-19 1 15:12
   W Bazar Al Jhit Serhey Rishkinov Submission (Guillotine) Bots de Garra 66 2023-08-12 1 05:59
   L Bazar Al Jhit Tyler Alvarez Decision Bots de Garra 64 2023-08-06 1 15:13
   W Bazar Al Jhit Ricky Clubber Decision Bots de Garra 62 2023-07-30 1 15:09
   W Bazar Al Jhit Tan Zan Submission (Armbar) Bots de Garra 61 2023-07-26 1 03:19
   W Bazar Al Jhit Thomas Bennett Submission (RNC) Bots de Garra 60 2023-07-23 1 05:56
   W Bazar Al Jhit Bruce White Jr Submission (Arm Triangle) Bots de Garra 58 2023-07-12 1 00:09
   W Bazar Al Jhit Tan Zan Submission (RNC) Bots de Garra 56 2023-07-07 1 07:58
   L Bazar Al Jhit Skjoldr Leifsson Decision Bots de Garra 55 2023-07-02 1 15:02
   L Bazar Al Jhit Donovan Trumpinov Submission (RNC) Bots de Garra 54 2023-06-28 1 08:59
Top Fighter - Danyaal Zahedi

Dynasty MMA  6506
Record 24-5-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 22 (T)KOs (91.67%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
2 Decisions (8.33%)
Losses 5 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight Fight Under Offer
Last 5 Fights
W Mauro Okongwu TKO (Strikes)
W Andrei Kersikov KO (Punch)
W Adeboye Temidare KO (Punch)
W Randal Clappertron KO (Punch)
W André Levesque KO (Punch)
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Lambert George Higher Hyped as a Kickboxer Retired - (47-17-5) W,L,L,W,W - NA
Bazar Al Jhit - (16-6-0) L,L,W,L,L 0 3378
Izzy Bangin - (35-13-4) D,L,W,L,L 0 1869
Cornelius Myers - (35-16-1) L,L,W,D,W 0 163
Alborz Mumu - (37-20-1) L,L,L,W,L 0 548
Bobby Santino Higher Hyped as a Kickboxer - (11-6-1) W,W,L,L,W - 166
Vladimir Skurwysynowski 205 (31-15-2) W,D,W,L,L 49 373
Blade Wilson - (19-11-0) W,W,L,W,L 0 584
Johnny Albatross 145 (44-10-1) L,W,W,L,W 5 58
Bishop Bonesteel - (25-10-0) W,L,W,W,W 0 527
Kekino Maluga - (6-0-0) W,W,W,W,W 0 2378
Danyaal Zahedi 265 (24-5-0) W,W,W,W,W 2 9
John Wesley Hardin 265+ (12-9-0) L,W,L,L,L 131 1902
Jose Castellanos 205 (12-5-0) L,W,W,L,W 60 461
Don WhipAhoo - (3-0-0) W,W,W,-,- 0 4159
Conrad Knightley Higher Hyped as a Kickboxer - (7-2-1) W,L,W,W,W - 64
Emanuel Villarosa - (0-0-0) 0 5084
Kevin Neidhart - (3-1-0) L,W,W,W,- 0 2788

Hall of Fame - Retired / Previously Managed Fighters
Name Weight Record Highest Rank
Ricky Luciano167lbs(25-9-0)69
Yasha Big Mouth144lbs(36-22-2)36
Buzz at John Wayne (Logged in as )
Lamar Ball
Lamar Ball replied John Wayne's Buzz buzzed at John Wayne (Sep 10, 2020)

I'm the king of shit. Come see my circus.

view conversation »
John Wayne's recent buzzes
John Wayne replied Ryan Locke's Buzz buzzed at Ryan Locke
Say no more. Muscle packed Mumu delivered the final blow. (Dec 01, 2021)
John Wayne replied Bobby Dent's Buzz buzzed at Bobby Dent
Oh I forgot Lloyd is dumb. Then he can play hide and seek with his manager since they're both garbage. (Sep 10, 2020)
John Wayne buzzed at Lloyd Badweather Jr
Go home, you trash. Go play chess with your trash manager. (Sep 08, 2020)
John Wayne replied Kick Boxer Jr's Buzz buzzed at Kick Boxer Jr
Please go easy on me. Your manager is one of the best. While I manage myself and I am still a Young kid trying to be a superstar. Managing myself is hard. If I last more than a round just send the check to my secretary. #LOD (Jun 27, 2020)
Congratulations (May 31, 2020)
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