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Profile of a Villain

Fighter profile of Dillon Hardman by Outlaw Bleak

Growing up in New York is never an easy time for a kid.  Try being the kid who's family owns an up and coming gym welcoming walk-in sparring challengers.  Though Dillon never had any real interest in the family business, he always managed to find ways to get into fights on his own time.  
Dillon always looked to find ways to exploit people, companies, anything to beat the system.  Money was a nice reward, but he did it for the challenge, and the thrill of getting away with breaking the rules of society.  
The system, Dillon knew, was broken.  It was a blanket of evil covering the eyes of the people, a way to enslave the masses while diluding them into thinking they were free.  You see, the system is just another form of control, and Dillon hated being controlled.   So any time Dillon found an opportunity to get one over on someone, he didn't hesitate.  I guess it makes sense for a man who grew up calling Robin Hood his hero.  But I have yet to hear of a story where Dillon gave away any money...
Now, Dillon has been challenged with a true task of manhood.  With his family name gaining renown in the MMA world, he was approached by a seemingly psychotic clown about entering some ultimate game of skill, chance, and tenacity.  Intrigued, Dillon bought in and found himself signing up for a grand tournament being coached by his uncle, who happens to own the HFC.  
"If it were collage, MMA, or move out and get a real job, what would you do?  Yeah, you judgemental bastards, don't judge.  I've been street fighting my whole life, why not get paid to do it professionally while learning from one of the best. " - Dillon Hardman
"The kid has raw talent, and he's as mean as they come.  He's never backed down from a challenge, and if he puts his mind to it, he can do great things in this sport." - J.W. Hardman
Well, it's certainly going to be something to look forward to for the Hardman family.  Dillon is one of a few young Hardmans of the next generation to step into the cage.  But one thing is for sure, of all of them, Dillon "The Villain" stands out from the pack.  


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