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HFC Aftermath: Dre Battle extracts Revenge and calls out ADA

Fighter profile of Salyn Sarethi by Chris Karter

Following his knockout over rival Samson Komua, who is responsible for the only blemish on Dre's emaculant record, Dre called out the HFC Middleweight Champion Ademaru Dos Anjos. Dre has a message for his rival from YABAI first:


"Better take big heart out your bio dawg." Dre Battle blurts into the mic after dispatching Samson Komua with the patented Pimp Hand of Doom. "ADA been talkin' that mess about cleaning out his division and fighting the Punch Master General. Only thing you'll be cleanin' out is your bloody ass shorts after I turn your head into a piñata. I ain't losing to no damn Chunner."


ADA's camp quickly responded:


"Porra Caralho!" Dos Anjos said spoke in a foreign dialect before speaking english. "Your hand-speed isn't fast enough to land a knockout blow on my chin. I am not a human punching bag. Go destroy one of my top 5 middleweight contender in devastating fashion then I will take you seriously. You have never been in a 5 round fight. I would test your conditioning and take it all 5 rounds if you piss me off in that octagon."  #UndefeatedatMiddleweight he later tweeted. Dre doesn't tweet and called his a homophobic slur for using the hashtag and social media apps.


Dre didn't hesitate to reply. He took offense to ADA dismissing his natural god given athletic ability. He also called out Brazil for being a cesspool for dirty cheaters who shove needles into their asses.


"Too slow? I know they got good juice down in Brazil but I'm genetically superior to you in every way due to generations of selective breeding and hard labor. Tell J.W. I'm ready for a #1 contender fight. I'm not a mathmagician, but using some MMA math..." Dre bust out his flip phone and starts to use the calculator. " Harry Olsen beat you up for 3 rounds, I knocked him out in the 2nd, so I fuck you up in the 1st. I'll send you back down to welterweight with a proper pimp prayer and beating that only a hoe like bjorn's mom could appreciate."


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