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SFL Profile: Slugger Dunes

Fighter profile of Slugger Dunes by Chris Karter

Who is Slugger Dunes? That is a question nobody asked until the SFL recently signed Slugger Dunes (1-0), a Middleweight fighter from the Stepdads alliance, and booked him a fight vs a muay thai sensational Johnny McFly (2-1). Despite having a great name, nobody has a clue who he is or where he is from.


Slugger debuted so long ago that nobody remembers when he scored a 5 second knockout over a 1-4 tuna can on the QFC circuit. His manager at the time was the not-so-notorious gangster and human trafficker who called himself Thug Daddy. Eventually Thug Daddy's multi-ple criminal networks collapsed and Slugger found himself a free agent with no manager or gym to train.


That's when Private Mod TJ Mitchell, with the ever observant eye of his, found the likes of this 1-0 sob squandering around for a home. TJ, accustomed to taking care of boys or children that aren't his, greeted Slugger and invited him to train at the Banana Stand, where he could play with as many bananas as he liked. Slugger accepted this invitation and was conned into fighting for free at SFL, and despite being a complete unknown to the world, the brass at the SFL appreciate a one-sided deal in their favor when it comes to finances.



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