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Will Write For Food

Editorial by Hoarse Whisperer

One of the most daunting tasks for new managers is affording the quality of training that can bring your fighters to the next level. The Quick Fighting Championship pays a laughable $50 to show and $50 to win which can barely keep you training at Cozad's mediocre establishment. So what is a new manager to do?

The most direct route that applies strictly to new managers is to apply for the Noob Fund. The Noob Fund is a gathering of donations from veteran and generous managers of MMA Tycoon. It was set up to help new managers to enjoy the game with a little bit of startup cash. Scholarships from the Noob Fund can pay as much as $100,000. You can get up to $50k initially and an additional $50k a month late rif you're still active and in need of the money. Some restrictions apply. To see if you qualify for this scholarship please visit the Noob Fund's page:


A fantastic way to earn funds that is always available to managers on here is to become a writer. Believe me when I tell you that excellent writers will have as many opportunities as a hot chick on a dating website. But in all honesty you don't have to be the next George RR Martin to be an effective event writer. If you can type in English and can think of at least five multi syllabic words you are already over qualified to become an event writer. Organizations are always seeking dedicated writers and once you establish yourself on the forums you will have more opportunities than you need to get extra jobs. The hardest part for an event writer on MMATycoon is not taking on more work than you can handle and burning yourself out, trust me. If you think you want to be a writer but you're unsure of your ability, message me (Hoarse Whisperer) in-game anytime and we can discuss it.

Selling your VIP time for in-game cash is a very effective way to receive quick cash and there are always people that are attempting to buy VIP time. Obviously you must be VIP status having donated previously for this to be possible. Regardless of how you feel about the game's status, VIP is completely worth it for any manager serious about playing the game. A cursory glance at the VIP exchange at the time of writing this article shows that there are some great deals available right now even. $3,500,000 for 12 months of VIP from one user and nearly a million for 3 months from another.

If you are a VIP donator and have skills in gfx design you could design clothes for shops in-game or open your own shop. If you're not a donator, you can still make great money by selling avatars and event posters/graphics for fight organizations. These are always in demand and can be a great source of income.

There are other ways that I wouldn't consider as prominent. For a list created back in 2013 (which I used as a reference while writing this because my memory is abysmal) check out this forum post:



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