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The 22 year old Hakan Juholt is poised to make his MMA debut

Fighter profile of Hakan Juholt by

Hakan "Super Mario" Juholt

The 22 year old Hakan Juholt is poised to make his MMA debut.  Juholt here he is in a recent interview with Jerome White of MMAnow.

Jerome:  Hakan you have many nicknames including Hak, Kan, Mario, JuJu, Juho, and who knows how many more.  Which do you prefer?

Hakan:  Man it really doesn’t matter anything works.  I been through to much to care about what people think or call me.

Jerome:   I have heard of these things you have been through you have had a tough life want to elaborate.

Hak:  Its no secret, when I was 13 years old I murdered my step father I spent 8 years in prison 3 of those were in an adult prison and 5 were in a juvenile center.  When I was in prison I had started to train fighting with some former boxers, eventually we had a large group of guys including some who were wrestlers, and bjj folks.  There is where I fell in love with the ground game, I was throwing around people much larger then me, people that would be heavyweights, we started a little fight team of sorts and all trained together.  Some really really tough people there. 

Jerome:  Hak you got out when you turned 21, how did that feel what was the first thing you did?

Hak:  It felt great im not allowed to discuss the reasons for what I did and they have since been taken off my record but coming out of that place was the best feeling in my life.  The first thing I did was seek out a good manager and enroll in some classes at a gym.  Its been about a year now and I think Im ready to fight so I recently signed with NGF.   Hopefully one of these dipshits will want to fight me.

Jerome:  You seem to not care much about your opponents and the competition you call dipshits?

Hak:  there all dipshits, im the baddest man in NGF these little bitches have nothing on me.  WHO IS GONNA STEP UP DAWG!  No one wants to fight me it’s a certain loss.  IM ready to fight sometime in may who is man enough? 

Jerome:  Well Hak thank you for your time and good luck finding someone to fight you, good luck with the debut any last words?

Hak:  Yeah Fu$$ you all, all of you



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