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Conviction news history


Message us if you will accept $420 deals and we will sponsor your fighter for the duration of their careers.

The Convicted logo will give your fighter a large popularity boost with the ring girls.

Sending sponsors is a pain in the ass, all sponsors will be for 122 days. If you need us to cancel your fighter's sponsorship, please send a PM and we'll review your situation with our 5-star customer service committee.
03 Sep 11 - new clothes / new hotness
thats right thanks to jbomb! check out the new clothes new style get it while it last but its always gonna be hot!
06 Aug 11 - New Clothes
New Series of clothes introduced to the store. Check them out.
27 Mar 11 - BAMF!!!
only some BAMF shop here so buy our shit and represent b*tch
29 Jul 10 - August 1st
is when clothes wont be $300
19 Jul 10 - stock
running low
27 Jun 10 - sale!!!
HUGE sale!!! everything in stock only $20 get it while its hot and in stock
02 Sep 09 - Convicted: Grand Opening
Convicted Inc is going corporate as of September 1st 2009, extending their brand into the clothing market. Our goal is to provide and maintain a strong convenient clothing base for Convicted fighters everywhere. Starting in Los Angeles, the City of Angels, where we're the official sponsor for Convicted Fight Club! This [news] is subject to editing!

Are you a fighter in LA? Is your manager having a hard time finding you a contract? Well if your looking for an active and fair org owner who puts on frequent fight cards look no more just go stop by Konflikt and send org owner Paul Bradley a message to kick start contract negotiations... tell him we sent you!

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