MMA Tycoon Game

GAMMA: Update in the greatest manager list

Org name: Global Association of MMA
Fighters signed: 162
Number of events: 1130
Base: London
Owner: Mentor Guru Corleone
Website: GAMMA Historical Records
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
GAMMA#1055 River v Hanson 2024-04-20 London
GAMMA#1056 Nuufo v Giant 2024-04-20 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1057 Hawk v Dustfinger 2024-04-27 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1058 Wrecks v Zweihander 2024-04-27 Tokyo
GAMMA#1059 2024-05-04 London
Weight Name Last Win
145 Mickey Dismantle Odin Markkanen
155 Surianglek Sitsongrit Chris John
170 Oliver Robson Adrian Rose
185 Radu Dracul Milo Andrianakis
205 Kollaa River William H Bonney
265+ Nuufo Seanoa Hawk Fleximario

View title history


Once every 6 months i update the list of the greatest managers in GAMMA history, the last update was in May. We give points for total wins (4), losses (1) and title fights (3). Based on that criteria, here are the best managers in GAMMA over the past 6 months:

Laz Staz (82447) = 110
Runt . (108617) = 75
Trippin Balls (104409) = 71
Hunter Jones (38476) = 64
Kostas Tsaq (113079) = 58
Marky Mark (22640) = 53
Whymer Van Mastodon (40116) = 51
Carlos Castenada (84794) = 51
Pablo Spezziale (16996) = 48
Power Shark (94407) = 43

I also updated the all time list, here is the top managers of all time (minimum of 200 ranking points):

Whymer Van Mastodon (40116) 1307
Gale Hawthorne (22636) 1200
Dom Jaehnke (20196) 827
Gerbert Bryant (84742) 800
Mr Gutz (3074) 721
Boondock The Destroyer (503) 691
David Brent (104382) 664
Alika Webb (62511) 653
Pawel Ufcowski (52087) 595
Grumpy Bastard (102643) 550
Igor Psycho (6994) 548
Laz Staz (82447) 548
Marky Mark (22640) 456
Face Kicker (2965) 448
Bobby Heyman (99756) 434
Mike Hunt (39215) 433
Brad O'Neil 371
John McGuirk (1306) 351
Trippin Balls (104409) 344
Hunter Jones (38476) 333
Grund McGrunderson (3341) 323
Carlos Castenada (84794) 320
Bwang Jong Sr (91781) 315
Paulie Walnuts (79001) 314
Jebba . (61031) 310
Thor HGH (24686) 308
Richard Davenport (10647) 303
Andy McKenzie (101467) 289
Matt Cave (45538) 288
Klatz Matz (46802) 287
Gritty Smitty (1206) 286
Digga Dogman (91254) 275
Runt . (108617) 268
Seppo Koskinen (2820) 266
Doug Heffernan (10852) 260
John Bravo (50889) 260
Lance Templeton (889) 256
Jack Smith (7552) 251
Central Park Wigan (27741) 238
Choose Life (3393) 229
Blake Phoenix (105403) 229
Power Shark (94407) 227
Randall McSweeny (14361) 212
Rodrigo Rojas (101547) 210

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