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GAMMA: Lao Shin "To Chin" Broke a few records

Org name: Global Association of MMA
Fighters signed: 162
Number of events: 1130
Base: London
Owner: Mentor Guru Corleone
Website: GAMMA Historical Records
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
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GAMMA#1055 River v Hanson 2024-04-20 London
GAMMA#1056 Nuufo v Giant 2024-04-20 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1057 Hawk v Dustfinger 2024-04-27 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1058 Wrecks v Zweihander 2024-04-27 Tokyo
GAMMA#1059 2024-05-04 London
Weight Name Last Win
145 Mickey Dismantle Odin Markkanen
155 Surianglek Sitsongrit Chris John
170 Oliver Robson Adrian Rose
185 Radu Dracul Milo Andrianakis
205 Kollaa River William H Bonney
265+ Nuufo Seanoa Hawk Fleximario

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The last weekend, Lao Shin "To Chin" (256055) broke a few records all in the same weekend.

First, he became one of only 10 fighters to have 50 fights as a GAMMA fighter. He is also ranked 5th all time with a total of 34 wins.

In his last 20 fights he either won or avenged the loss against the guys he lost to, with the exception of Cheik Imbula (2 losses and 1 draw).

At the age of 39y, he became the highest ranking fighter in GAMMA. Not sure if that has been done before, but if it has, it has been a while.

More impressively though, he became only the 3rd fighter in GAMMA history to become a 6 time champion, dethroning recently crowned champion Joy Rones of his title. The only 2 fighters to achieve this was Renan St Juste (who is ranked #1 all time in GAMMA) and Gunnar Steigleman (ranked #3 among all fighters in GAMMA).

If he was to retire now, he would be ranked 5th all time in GAMMA with 229 points in total. Next above him is the great Jeremy Tonal with 262 ranking points.

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