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Slow training (seemingly)


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I've had a few fighters train 1 on 1 with elite trainers when they're already at + or ++ in the skill. I thought I clicked fast learner for them, but would this indicate that they're slower learners? Or do I just need to chill out and be patient?


If they jump from useless-- to useless++ in 1 session or useless-- to abysmal-- in 2 sessions he's got pretty good learning speed.



Fast learner gives bonus on that hidden. Game rolls 1-150 and adds + to the hidden you selected, so there's a chance you could of rolled a low number and still have bad learning speed.

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If they jump from useless-- to useless++ in 1 session or useless-- to abysmal-- in 2 sessions he's got pretty good learning speed.



Fast learner gives bonus on that hidden. Game rolls 1-150 and adds + to the hidden you selected, so there's a chance you could of rolled a low number and still have bad learning speed.

To add, going from Useless-- to Useless+ can still be a learning speed of up to 7.49(which is great in this game, anything above it is rare as f$ck).

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Only 1 way of it happening, and that's if you get a 7.5 learner which is the fastest you can get. Got 1 of them once, sadly he had a terrible chin



I've trained 166 fighters and only once seen a 1-- go to a 1++ after one session. Elijah Hart, popped KO power too. Then it turned out he liked musicals..


Ouch. I have two fighters on my current roster that are over 7. One is a 7.2 learner, the other 7.35. I think the 7.35 went from Useless-- to ++ in one session, but it's possible that I am remembering it wrong...

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