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Jet Auction

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I bought a new jet... Jets usefulness have been greatly reduced with the locations being turned off, but they still are useful for some things. On short to mid range fights they are a good way to boost Morale of a fighter. Say, for example, your NY based fighter has a fight in a few days and you notice that his morale is only 96%. While that is not terrible, your opponent is at 99+%. Not wanting to give up any advantage to your opponent you could hop a flight to Montreal and back. The trip out would give you a boost to morale that should see you at 100% for the fight. Of course you can only do this once every three days unless there has been a fight in that time, but it's still an effective (if expensive) way to get an oftentimes substantial boost to morale. Also, unlike even 1st class flights, you can actually gain energy while flying on a private jet. So sometimes I use it to squeeze that one extra training session in there since on most short to mid range fights you gain about 3 energy points which is 2% energy. Some flights might give more then that, but I noticed that really long flights like NY to Sydney, for example, still incur an energy point loss.

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Since locations are off they are less useful, but still do come in pretty handy for certain things. Like energy recovery (can gain a small amount every three days with a jet. Morale. Same deal. Moving your fighter's base for way cheaper then a regular flight, Laundry and so on. Some flights can get you to a fight and gain you energy so that you can squeeze and extra training session or two in. But otherwise they are less useful for sure.

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