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Downvoting error


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Congratulations TJ on taking part in the "Whiny Bitch" programme here on MMA Tycoon. This program, which you signed up for when you said anything against a certain individual on any topic regardless of context, is specially designed to give you a negative vote on many of your posts. The special coding on this program means that regardless of what your post entails, says, or who it is directed to, you can guarantee our resident "Whiny Bitch" will be on hand to give you a negative rating. Why you might ask? Because you dared to say anything against a certain individual on something.


You might be thinking "But I never said anything that wasn't true?" The best part of this program is that it doesn't matter what it was that you said, the only important thing is that you said something, and the certain individual took offense to it. In fact, you can bet your ass that over 50% of your recent downvotes have come during a rage session this person had through tears as they showed off their internet might by giving you a downvote.


We hope you enjoy your time on this program, with the time frame said to fluctuate anywhere from 1 week up until eternity (Our platinum membership which you can purchase for just 1 sustain period of calling said person out on their bullshittery). If you have any issues with the program, feel free to message Mike Tycoon consistently and in a manner that is parallel with the person you talked about in the first place.

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