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Appealing to your humanitarian side


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Hi, so I don't usually ask for anything from people because I tend to believe that, karma works and people will get what they are given.


But somethings about this life are cruel and sometimes when you already feel like you've had everything stripped from you, the world finds a way to take what little you had left.


A good friend of mine has beaten cancer only to have it come back, and although terminal she had some time left and was content.


Now she has had another tumour aggressively growing and she has been told that she has just two weeks to live.

She's younger than me, just 18 years old and we are trying to raise as much money as we can do that she can enjoy a holiday to Switzerland as her final wish.


I'm not expecting anyone to give anything, and there's no reason that you should do.


But what I can say is that although you wouldn't notice £10 or £20 in two weeks time, it all adds up for her, so that she can have everything that she wants for the last two weeks of her life.


And what 18 year old doesn't deserve that.


The worlds a cruel place, we can't change that but we can do all that we can to try and make It a bit brighter.


Thank you and sorry for the blatant plea for your cash.

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Ahh, I was just looking for a solution and I'm not sure that I can find one, which is really shit, it says that they have a partnership on the site with WePay, which means that they cannot use PayPal.


If you are willing to trust me to proxy the money between my card and the website then I am more than happy to do so (although I'd need a tad of guidance, I'm not a regular PayPal user at all)

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