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How much notice do you need for the fight engine changes to go live?


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I still want to see more of a penalty for the NC fix, more of a hit to fighter/manager hype? How does everyone else feel (except Grasman, yes we already know your thoughts...) :)

I think if it was a little more stiff, less managers would forget to schedule flights or be dicks and not fight for whatever reasons. For most people this shouldn't affect them at all, i've had 144 fights so far and only had on NC scare and that was recently when I thought i scheduled a return flight too early. I actually am pretty sure i did schedule it too early because 10 mins before the fight it said my guy was traveling so i dont know what exactly happened their but my fought like he was suppose to (and won)

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"scrap NCs due to being in the wrong location. Instead you will be teleported to the right location and get a 10% hit to energy and morale but the fight will still take place."


haha I can imagine this being a real life situation. Fighter in the wrong location, be it being blur or not wanting to fight, gets his arse dragged to his fight .


That being said, Monday sounds good

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I have 2 jets, that's not the problem.

Shit can happen in the game though, when RL is busy.

I've paid orgs a few hundred $k for causing a NC, I hate causing that,, but I hate the energy loss crap piece of shit more than anything.


Auto losses are fucking stupid and has ruined my game experience when it has happened.



Grasman - you clearly are a fuckhead.. Nothing further...

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Now everyone in the game but Grasman is a pussy....This is getting great.


On a serious note though damn dude you are going all out over the little tiny 1% chance you may accidently cause an NC one day and that 10% decrease in energy giving you slightly less chance at winning. I don't think most of the people that play the game would of bitched as much as you if mike just straight up said NC's were loses... get a grip man.

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Because when you dont sort your fighters flight, he has to rush and do it himsel, which will be tiring for him


On this note (which I agree with), I would think maybe even more realistic (and a way to add the extra penalty some are looking for), would be a significant morale hit. I imagine a fighter finding out last minute that his manager forgot to book a flight for him, and having to sramble to get where he should be, would probably not be the best for his mindset.

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Mr. Tycoon: (and the rest involved in this): Way to ameliorate, educate AND adapt. :thumbup:

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NC's suck. I have been complaining about them for at least 4 years. Great addition Mike.

Anyone coming into a fight against a top manager with 90% energy or less is going to lose so a larger energy hit is pointless.

Anyone who hasnt scheduled a flight has likely not set his sliders either so you are pretty much fucked at that point.

Yes, it sucks winning that way IMO.

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